What to do when I just can’t get motivated to move….
Everyone has those days when you just can’t get moving. Your body feels tired or lethargic. Your body tells you that you don’t need to get your jobs done and you need a break. But you know in your mind that you can and should do your exercise or your housework or whatever job it is that you’re attempting to avoid. Everyone has those days. I had one this morning. I was up later last night than I normally am and it completely threw my day off. So what did I do? Did I sit back and let the day just pass me by? Or did I push through the fog?
Well, this blog would not have existed if I had taken the first option….. So obviously, I took the second route. So how did I do it? Well, here are a few tips that always work for me. Give them a try and see if they work for you too.
1. Get out of bed!
Force yourself to follow your normal routine and start moving!
2. Go through your tasks like a robot.
Even if you feel completely indifferent to your jobs and your mind is somewhere else, just do the job.
3. Exercise
Get the blood pumping!
You may find that just getting a refreshing flow of oxygen to your brain is enough to lift you out of the haze.
4. Start your day with reading something inspirational.
I’m presently reading through the Bible. And today I was in Exodus, so I couldn’t help but feel obligated to my relatively easy jobs when I compared them to the harsh jobs that the Hebrew slaves were forced to do.
5. Have some breakfast with protein and carbs.
This ensures that you have some energy with which to begin your work.
6. Alternate active jobs with quiet jobs.
Vacuum a floor and then do some household accounts, follow that with watering plants etc. you get the idea.
7. Make a to-do list and then start checking things off.
It is very encouraging to see your list get smaller and smaller!
These are my top tips for getting moving in the morning. Just remember that the work has to be done, so the sooner that you finish the sooner you can play!