
What is Detoxing??
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What is Detoxing??

Detoxing. If you search online, you'll find a plethora of different options for doing a detox. You will also find warnings and horror stories of what can happen. But what is really happening when you detox? Honestly, the whole concept is rather vague. Just try plugging in the words detox (or cleanse) in a Google search, the results will show all of the different methodologies and side-effects of them.

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What simple thing  you can do right now that increases your chance of living longer!
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What simple thing you can do right now that increases your chance of living longer!

Now let's talk about some simple health benefits. According to the CDC, some of the immediate benefits of exercise (moderate to vigorous physical activity) are that it provides better sleep, less anxiety, and reduced blood pressure. It's very likely that it also improves immune function. The long term results of regular fitness benefit the body in many ways by helping to prevent many chronic diseases.

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Sleep - What it is and Why we need it!
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Sleep - What it is and Why we need it!

Sleep is something that most of us do not do enough. We assume that we can catch up on the weekends or over time. To most, sleep really isn't that big of a deal, it's more of a luxury than a necessity. Sometimes we even believe that getting things done at night or waking up early is more important than getting sleep. We love the idea of hustling. But this hustle is actually having terrible consequences. And our bodies and our emotional states are showing it.

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What is Lymphatic Drainage and why do we want it?
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What is Lymphatic Drainage and why do we want it?

How much do you know about lymphatic drainage? Probably not much. Most people don't really know that much about it. But the lymphatic drainage system is actually a part of the garbage disposal system in the body. Lymph is the remains of the white blood cells (and killed stuff and you know, cleaned out the body) as well as waste products too large for the venous capillaries. There are actual vessels that the lymph uses to drain. You may have noticed that there are many vessels around the sinus area, in the neck, and the shoulders (they get clogged or congested when we’re fighting off colds).

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My favorite tips for prioritizing tasks
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My favorite tips for prioritizing tasks

Can I be honest? In the past, I have spent a lot of time worrying about not getting everything that I “needed” to accomplish, completed. I would get frustrated with myself and upset with everyone else around me. I had to learn how to prioritize in order to keep from going crazy…..How about you?

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Yummy Salty Protein Truffles
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Yummy Salty Protein Truffles

As you can see, there are so many ways to personalize the recipe. When you make them, think about whether you are desiring quick energy (add more sweet or sugary fillings). Or on the other hand, sustained energy will come with nuts and quinoa (proteins and fats).

Have fun and be creative!

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What to do when I just can’t get motivated to move….
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What to do when I just can’t get motivated to move….

Everyone has those days when you just can’t get moving. Your body feels tired or lethargic. Your body tells you that you don’t need to get your jobs done and you need a break. But you know in your mind that you can and should do your exercise or your housework or whatever job it is that you’re attempting to avoid. Everyone has those days. I had one this morning. I was up later last night than I normally am and it completely threw my day off. So what did I do? Did I sit back and let the day just pass me by? Or did I push through the fog?

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