SantéFit Membership Club


First Time here?

Check out the video below on how to navigate your way through the Club!

Go to the Members Only Forum: the SantéFit Challenge Group!

Monthly Coupon Code for the private monthly Troubleshooting sessions: freshstart

This code will allow you to schedule your included 15 minute sessions. The new monthly code will be posted here each month.

check out your video collections here!

Check out our member Challenge Collections!!!

Complete Health and Fitness Plans for members only

As a special bonus for Club members, you have full access to the complete 10 Day Strong Body Plan Program. This is perfect if you’re just getting started here in the Club or if you just want to do a detoxing. Just

More Resources to help you achieve your goals!

On-Demand WOrkouts

Here’s all of your workouts in one place. Check out the different categories to find the perfect workout anytime!

Pose Tutorial Videos

Struggling to feel good in your poses? Check out my assortment of Pose Technique Videos

Cooking Technique videos and recipes

Health starts in the kitchen! So if you're not confident in the kitchen, try out some of my quick kitchen technique videos. P. S. I love to cook French and Italian cuisine, so get ready to wow your friends with your expertise!

Click on the pictures to find your videos and your recipes.

More helpful stuff for members only

Need a little time with your Coach? Click here to schedule a 15 Minute Trouble-shooting Session with me!

Need a little help with a workout schedule? Check out some printable calendars here!