For the Love of Squats - Breathing
Welcome to the For the Love of Squats Series.
This series is insane!! You are going to be sore, but in a totally great and satisfying way. Here's the lineup....
We start with our mediation Breathing Practice called Breathing from the Pelvic Floor, which is not a normal breathing class. In this one, we practice our breathing while standing in a sumo squat or plié position. This helps us really feel what's happening in our pelvic floor.
Next, we have our flow class called Stretch and Lengthen those Legs! which helps to lengthen our legs and stretch the muscles while also helping us build endurance through a little balance work.
Now for the Crazy Squat HIIT! This HIIT class is crazy! We are going to do 12 minutes of different types of squats! You are going to be challenged, but in a great way.
Short on time? Try the Quick Squats video that is only four minutes of a circuit style rotation of squats that will burn those legs and get you moving. It's ideal if you need a quick warm-up.
Finally, we come to our restorative called Relax those Legs! In this one, we focus just on stretching and relaxing the legs and glutes in order to get the most out of the series as a whole. So there you have it! Try the series and let me know how it goes!