21 Day Core Activator, • 11/6/22 21 Day Core Activator: Day 8 - Technique: All about the Psoas This will show you all about how to find your Psoas muscle. Previous 21 Day Core Activator: Day 6 - Soothing Restorative Flow Next 21 Day Core Activator: Day 8 - Psoas HIIT You Might Also Like 21 Day Core Activator: Welcome! 21 Day Core Activator: Day 2 - Adding Movement to Our Breathing 21 Day Core Activator: Day 13 - Slow Flow for the Upper Back 21 Day Core Activator: Day 4 - A Little Faster Flow with Belly Strengtheners 21 Day Core Activator: Day 12 - HIIT for the Upper Back
21 Day Core Activator, • 11/6/22 21 Day Core Activator: Day 8 - Technique: All about the Psoas This will show you all about how to find your Psoas muscle. Previous 21 Day Core Activator: Day 6 - Soothing Restorative Flow Next 21 Day Core Activator: Day 8 - Psoas HIIT You Might Also Like 21 Day Core Activator: Welcome! 21 Day Core Activator: Day 2 - Adding Movement to Our Breathing 21 Day Core Activator: Day 13 - Slow Flow for the Upper Back 21 Day Core Activator: Day 4 - A Little Faster Flow with Belly Strengtheners 21 Day Core Activator: Day 12 - HIIT for the Upper Back