Focus Your Energy - Rest

The theme for this series is to focus your energy. Focusing your energy is all about gauging where your energy levels are at any given moment, such as how your food intake is going to affect your energy, how your sleep is going to affect your energy as well as how your emotions affect your energy. With the different classes, you may hear different parts of this same idea.

The first class in this series is called Focus on your Breath: What is it telling you? In this class, we actually go through a body exploration technique which checks in to see if any parts of the body might be tense or tight. This can often be due to emotions that might be hiding in different parts of the body. It's different from a normal breathing practice for us at Santé Fitness. However, you will find it is quite helpful learning to understand what your own body signals are telling you.

The second class in this series is our Just CORE!!! class. This Core class consists of only one eight-part Tabata focused just on your core. It's great to use it before a longer class or when you only have time for a few minutes but you do want to build up some aerobic endurance.

The third class in this series is called FLOW - Where is your Focus?? This flow class is an effective slow and yet focused flow class. The focus aspect comes in after each sequence as we take a child's pose and we check in to see how the movements are affecting our body.

The fourth class is our Focused HIIT! In this class all of our movements are coming in towards the body rather than going out from the body as they did last month with the fireworks. We're pulling in and making sure that we are able to control the energy that we're using. Our goal is to know that we are not expending more energy than we actually have. On the other hand, we’re not phoning in our practice either. We are using our energy effectively.

The last class in the series is Focus on Rest. Focus on Rest is a short primarily somatic stretch routine that allows you to quickly and effectively release the muscles that you've worked with the other with the other classes. For this one, you might want to have some audio that you really enjoy listening to such as the Scriptures or worship music ready to go during the rest at the end. Otherwise, just sit in silence and let the work that you've done in the other classes have a chance to transform your body.


Balance Your Energy - Ah... Rest


Fireworks Series - Restorative